What is a Sept?
This is one of the most common questions people ask. Essentially, a clan is a collection of families, living in a more or less
defined area, and are descended from or loyal to a specific Chief. The most powerful family (which is also usually the
wealthiest) carries the name of the clan in our case, the MacLeods. Other families that belong to the clan are referred to as
Siol is a Gaelic word meaning "progeny" or "seed" that is used in the context of a family or clan with members who bear the
same surname and inhabited the same territory as a member of distinguishing one group from another. Sometimes each of
these individual septs may further subdivide into more septs, which may sometimes lead to the development of novel
surnames, or the rise of the family such that it may considered a clan in and of its own rights. Such septs were common in
Scotland, where the clan system was well developed.
Allum | Andie | Askie | Aulay | Beaton | Beton | Berthea |
Bethune | CAllam | CAlley | Callum | Caskey | Caskie | Caulay |
Cauley | Challum | Coll | Corquodale | Cremmon | Crimmon | deNicole |
Gillecallum | Griman | Grimman | Grimmond | Herald | Haraldson | Harold |
Harrold | Heraldsoun | Herrald | Kasky | Kerkyll | Lewis | MacAlear |
MacAllam | MacAllay | MacAlley | MacAllum | MacAlman | MacAndie | MacAsgill |
MacAskey | MacAskie | MacAskill | MacAulay | MacAuley | MacCabe | MacCaig |
MacCallam | MacCalman | MacCaskie | MacCaskill | MacCaulay | MacCauley | MacClewer |
MacClure | MacCoig | MacCoradail | MacCorkle | MacCorkill | Maccorkindale | MacCorkle |
MacCorley | MacCorquell | MacCorquodale | MacCowig | MacCrimmon | MacCrivag | MacCrummon |
MacCuaig | MacGillechallum | MacGrimmon | MacGrymen | MacHandle | MacHarold | MacKaig |
MacKandle | MacKaskill | MacaKasky | MacLewer | MacLeur | MacLewis | Maclur |
MacNichol | MacNickle(s) | MacOrkill | MacQuaig | MacQuigg | MacRaild | MacRalte |
MacRimmon | MacThoracadall | MacWilliam | Malcolm | Malcomlson | Necolson | Nicholl(s) |
Nicholson | Nickle(s) | Nicol(s) | Nicolson | Norman | Normand | Nor |
Norn | Norie | Norrie | Norris | Norval | Norwell | Nuccol |
Nuckall | Nuccol | Nuckall | Nucolson | Ronaldson | Taskill | Tolmie |
Tormod | Williamson |
To See Notes Regarding some individual Septs Below
The following is a list of most spellings of names of MacLeods and Septs of MacLeod from "Scots Kith & Kin", Clan MacLeod
Society and Black's "The Surname of Scotland".
M/Leoid, McGloid, McGloyd, M'Cleod, M'Cloid, M'Glaud, M'Kleod, M'Leud, M'Lewd, M'Loid, McCleoyd, McCleud, McCloaud, M'Cloide,
MacLeoad, MacLode, MacKloud, MaKeloid, M'Loyd, M'Loyde, M'Clode, MaKcloid, Loud, Cloud, Lowd, Clowd, Cloyd, Loyd, Lewd,
Clode and possibly Laird/Leard. ("Mc is the same as "Mac")
Just because your name isn't MacLeod doesn't mean that your family isn't part of the clan.